Boudicca was queen of the Celtic Iceni tribe in Britannia. When her husband died, the Roman Emperor, Nero, claimed her kingdom. Boudicca was flogged and her daughters were raped as the Romans asserted their authority. This is the story of the beginning of the rebellion that Boudicca led and her initial victory over the Romans.

This story is historical fiction. Every effort was made to accurately follow the actual events and people involved. Because of the scarce sources for this time period, some of the characters are fictional.

Available in Kindle format.

Henry II of England had political motivations for his famous penance at Canterbury for the murder of his best friend and worst enemy, Thomas Becket. However, he also had genuine regrets and feelings of remorse. This short story takes us through that day and Henry’s walk to Canterbury Cathedral and his struggles inside as he asks for forgiveness and help from his old friend Thomas.

This story is historical fiction. Every effort was made to accurately follow the actual events and people involved.

Available in Kindle format.

Brad Hanson - Author and Photographer

Charlemagne, King of the Franks, brought much light to the Middle Ages. He valued education and he valued God. He conquered most of Europe and was eventually crowned Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope. Though he was a compassionate man who loved his family, he could also be ruthless. This short story is about one of those moments of ruthlessness where he lost patience with the rebelling Saxons.

This story is historical fiction. Every effort was made to accurately follow the actual events and people involved.

Available in Kindle format.

Charles Martel, ruler of the Franks, is sometimes known as the savior of Christendom. In the year 732, he fought and won the Battle of Tours against the Umayyad Caliphate led by Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi. The Franks were victorious and stopped the incursion of Islam into Europe. This story recounts the days leading up to the battle and the victory by the Franks.

This story is historical fiction. Every effort was made to accurately follow the actual events and people involved. Because of the scarce sources for this time period, some of the characters are fictional.

Available in Kindle format.

Through Time’s Lens is a collection of short stories by author Bradley D. Hanson. There are several genres of stories, but most are historical fiction. Historical fiction makes history fun to learn. The stories include Boudicca’s rebellion against the Romans in Britain, Charles Martel defeating the Islamic invasion at Tours, Boniface cutting down the Oak of Donar, Charlemagne and the massacre at Verden and Henry II of England and his penance for the murder of Thomas Becket. In addition, there is a fantasy story and a few true stories of some fun adventures. Four of these stories have been previously published, but the rest have never been published before. 

Available in paperback and in Kindle format.